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For the body is one and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many are one body; so also in Christ

1 Corinthians 12:12



Beautifying Ministry—That part of the body delegated the duties of presenting the physical church pleasing to the eye.  They are to adorn the church with what is deemed necessary to enhance its beauty.


Christian Orientation—Edifies, encourages, and enlightens our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are uniting with the fellowship, for the work of the ministry God has purposed for this body.


Convalescence—Visits the sick and shut-in in the nursing homes and hospitals.  The primary goals are to encourage in words and songs, assist in physical and spiritual needs, and show love.


Culinary Ministry—A ministry of service providing food for various events with a loving spirit.


Evangelism Ministry—Goes out an ministers the Plan of Salvation to the unsaved.  God said “The harvest is truly plenteous, but the laborers are few.” (Matthew 9:37)


G.R.A.C.E—(God Readily Accepts Confessed Error) This ministry is designed for the person who has mothered (given birth to) or fathered a child outside of the divine institution of marriage.  It is designed to instruct young mothers and fathers of their parental duties as commanded by God.


Grief Aftercare Ministry—The purpose of this ministry is to comfort those that mourn after the loss of a loved one.


Health & Wellness—This ministry is composed of volunteer health care providers committed to providing health and wellness information to OSP.  We share a spiritual bond and believe that God has blessed us to provide a service to others for His Glory.


Hospitality—This ministry warmly greet guest as they enter Old St. Paul.  Through their greetings, guest(s) are invited to join the fellowship as we worship our Lord and Savior.


Intercessory Prayer—Intercessory Prayer is a ministry God MUST call one to.  His purpose for calling an individual is for him or her to stand on the walls of His Kingdom, to stand in the gap for His people and don’t rest until He responds to their request. “I post watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they should keep praying all day and night.  You who pray to the Lord, don’t be silent!  Don’t allow him to rest until he establishes Jerusalem, until he makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth.” (Isaiah 62:6-7)


Internet Media Ministry—A ministry to develop and maintain the church website and other internet based media.


Life Skills Ministry—Life skills are designed to provide you with the tools for building a better life.  If these tools are applied, they can enhance your ability to succeed.  Life skills will supply you with the skills & tools to be successful, but you must apply them to your life.


Maintenance—Responsible for the minor repairs, in and around the church grounds, as well as the daily up keep.


Media Ministry—This ministry edifies the Church body by supplying the body audio, video or promotional services of various kinds.


Membership Care Ministry—Membership Care assists in planning and implementing the processes to assure families and individuals affected by illness, death, crisis, or  general membership needs are supported by the church. We are focused on caring for members and pointing them to the OSP ministries that will provide the appropriate spiritual, emotional and physical care within the church family.


M.I.G.H.T. Ministry—(Men of Integrity, Godliness, Holiness & Truth) The primary focus is to instruct on the character and integrity of the man God can use.


Mission Society—Reaches inward nurturing the membership through mission study, fellowship, and prayer; and reaching outward, through personal witnessing, evangelizing, helping the needy and less fortunate, and seeking justice and liberty for all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Music MinistryA group of dedicated Christians using their God given talents; blending their voices together to praise and lift up the name of Jesus.  They minister to God’s people spiritually and prepare their hearts to be receptive to the Word as it goes forth.


OSP Marriage Ministry“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Gen. 2:24) The OSP (Obtaining Spiritual Partners) Marriage Ministry is designed to share biblical principles that will enable believers to identify the characteristics of those persons who are biblically compatible for believers within the divine institution of matrimony; share principles that will enable the couple to become one flesh in Christ Jesus; and offer pre-marital and post-marital biblical counseling when requested.


Parking Ministry—Assists visitors by directing them to parking areas during special church events.


Print Ministry—Coordinates and provides the  printing needs of the fellowship, and ministries within the fellowship, for the glory of God.


Prison Ministry—Conducts Bible Studies for those who are incarcerated.  The lessons are centered around Salvation and words encouragement is given through the Scriptures.


Security Ministry—The Security Ministry’s function is to ‘guard the house’ of the Lord.  They are responsible for the safety and protection of the grounds and fellowship during church services and activities.


Senior’s Ministry—A group of older men and women who are sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith and love, and patient in teaching the younger men and women to be likewise.


Sunday School—The Sunday School Ministry goal is to teach God’s Word, to develop Christian attitudes as opposed to worldly attitudes, to develop members spiritually, to train members to become effective witnesses and teachers.


S.W.O.R.D.—(Shaping Women Of Righteous Destiny) The S.W.O.R.D. Ministry is Reaching women where they are and showing them the love of Christ; Disciplining women through preaching and teaching so they may study the Word of God for themselves and live thereby; Building lasting relationships to edify and encourage women through every season of life; Providing an atmosphere for women to fellowship with and intercede for one another.


Tabitha House Ministry-- The mission of Tabitha’s House is to assist and provide clothing to those in need, who have been impacted by financial problems.


Transportation—This ministry provides transportation for members who are unable to attend church otherwise.  It also provides transportation for special outings and field trips sponsored by the church to enhance spiritual growth and fellowship.


Ushers—Manages and supervises God’s people during worship opportunities, with a sober mind and a pleasant smile, and assists the minister in whatever way necessary.


Willing Workers—Humble servants dedicated to rendering domestic and spiritual services to the sick and shut-in.  They provide services to members and non-members who are unable to clean their homes, run errands or attend church services.


Worshipping Arts—Members of the body who provide plays, skits, performances that minister to the spiritual needs and relays a spiritual message to the audience.


Young Adult Ministry—Serves to empower and encourage the 18-40 year old age group through the Word, with love.  It is designed to train them in Righteousness in a setting that allows them to discuss issues that affects their age group.


Youth MinistryS.O.L.I.D.—(Shining Our Light In Darkness)—Provides a variety of ministries for children from 3-17, such as Children’s Church, Youth Choir, Creative Dance, Youth Praise Team, Girls’ Ministry, and Jacob’s Ladder. Children's Church is offered every 1st and 3rd Sunday morning 10 AM & Wednesday night 6:30 PM.

Youth Services are offered every 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sunday, 10 AM. Youth Bible Study is offered 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights, 6:30PM. 







Worshiping Arts
Willing Workers
Christian Orientation
Health and Wellness
Life Skills Ministry
Intercessory Prayer
Young Adult
Sunday School
Internet Media
Membership Care
Tabitha's House
Grief Care
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